Our Midwives
Andie Wyrick, CNM, DNP, MSN
A certified nurse midwife and doctor (she is so fancy) has been in the Houston birth community for over twenty years. Her experience includes elementary school nursing, hospital L & D, birth center, and home birth. Andie is confident in a woman's ability to grow and birth her baby. She feels a partnership in care is empowering and hopes to foster that relationship with families. She has a tender, funny, lighthearted, and hands off approach to the evidence based care she offers. She has been joyfully dating her hottie husband of 23 years since junior high and has six children. You can hear her colorful and potty mouthed humor on HHH’s podcast, Midwife Monday. Her passions beyond bellies, birth, and breastfeeding are drooling over her hottie of a hubby, reading, period pieces, and being a glutton for movie theater popcorn. Organizing a rando drawer is her jam.
Jaelin Stickels, CNM, MSN
A certified nurse midwife who is honored to work with families as they experience pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postpartum period. Jaelin followed her passion into midwifery and has been practicing with women and babies since 2010. She has spent the last 40 blissful years married to her high school sweetheart and “midhusband”. She has three children and one brilliant grandbaby. In addition to her passion for women's health; she loves quilting & is enamored with her granddaughter. Jaelin is proud to be known as the designated Birth Hog. No one has ever loved birth as much as this girl.
Blair Krisman, LM, CPM
Blair Krisman LM, CPM
Blair was introduced to midwifery in 2007 when she welcomed her first child into the world in her home with a midwife. While busy birthing seven babies in her home and at the hospital, midwifery became a passion. Blair has a love for growing families, the beauty of birth and how powerful women’s bodies are. In her off time, she is homeschooling her children and taking them to all their activities. Her family is highly active in the Civil Air Patrol. Her family loves to roam the country to check out new areas like Yellowstone, Appalachian Mountains, and Colorado. If Blair isn’t at a birth, traveling, or enjoying her crew, you can find her fan girling at the baseball field.
Kristen Bowers, LM, CPM
Kristen Bowers LM, CPM
A licensed midwife (and previously forensic chemist), Kristen has been supporting families in both home birth and birth center in the Houston area ever since she stumbled upon out of hospital birth during her first pregnancy in 2011. She loves to make people laugh and encourages parents to experience the joy surrounding pregnancy and birth, while also being both educated and informed about the choices they have. Kristen continues to dabble in chemistry--making herbal tinctures and remedies in an effort to expand her knowledge of herbs and their application during the childbearing years. She is also actively involved in multiple non-profit organizations, collects memes, binge watches The Witcher in her free time, and dances in her neighborhood talent show. As an avid Harry Potter fanatic, Kristen raises her three (split-house) children with her fellow-Slytherin husband of 13 years. After all this time? Always.